Monday 16 March 2015

Matthew Applegate Lecture

Today we had a lecture from Matthew Applegate, and I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed this lecture because it is interesting to hear about how he progressed to become who he is today.

The most interesting bit for me was the when he talked about how to get more known within the community you work in and with the communities that are close to what you do. Asking for peoples business cards can be a powerful thing, its not something that you should be ashamed of doing, asking for someones business card is a way to get you more well known, it puts your name out there and means that people will have your name to hand. This is something that just proves the age old saying of, its not what you know, its who you know.

Applegate also touched on how the advertising game works for games, and how you will almost always have to pay people to simply review your game, this gets into the controversial topic of people paying for a good review and getting more publicity through the use of their wallet.

Another interesting topic that Applegate touched on the topic of how large companies treat people like 'property', this is something that he was saying that companies can get people to sign a contract that is basically people signing over everything they create when they get hired. This is something that is pretty interesting, because when you work for a big company they basically own you... therefore you will have different rules that govern what you can and cant do.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the talk from Applegate, it was very informative and enjoyable, I really am glad I went to it.

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