Sunday 1 March 2015

Games Britannia : Joystick Generation

This part of Games Britannia is the third part in the three part series and talks about the joystick generation. This was the part of the series that almost solely based around the video game development of Britain. Something that was touched on was that some games had caused outrage, these games included Carmageddon and GTA. Carmegeddon was a game about running people over to score points, which included blood and gore and a sense of enjoyment, this caused outrage because it was promoting violence. This was a very similar story to GTA a game that had the player killing people and dealing drugs. These are both games that people believe cause violence in the real world when people either learn things or carry violence into the outside world. This is the reason games like this are given an 18 certificate to avoid this kind of behavior from appearing in children.

Despite people thinking these types of games cause a bit of uproar, they brought a different kind of game, a new style of play. This style of play was free roam, it gave the play the ability to do what they want, the player could chose to go where they wanted and interact with the world in a whole host of different ways. This is what made the games such a big success, because each player could play the game in any way they chose.

There are groups of people who have actively sought to take the game to court in an attempt to achieve a higher age rating. Where I can agree that the violent nature of some games mean they should have a high age rating, i don't agree that because of the actions of some people that don't necessarily have any thing to do with the game, that the game should be criticized and removed from the market because of actions of these people.

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